Always Call us: +256 751 685 275.

Studying time: Monday - Saturday: 08 AM - 06 PM.

Find us: 150M from the main road and 10 Km from Mityana Town.


8/Sep - 29/Nov

Count Down

Music Dance and dramma

More than 30 plays have been composed and produced.Each year,five (5) plays are released.The most popular ones however have been:"The villainous family"-"Enkanu","The family Contraversy "-"Nabe mu maka","The idiot"-"Mwogeza Butamanya", "The Hypocrites"-"Ekkwangala Mu Yekaalu". The latest play is Kyeyendere “the bitter harvest”. We have so far produced 2 films i.e Mwogeza Butamanya “ the idiot” and the latest Lugoojamye “ the weaking”.


We involve in a number of sports activities i.e football(Boys), netball(Girls), football(Girls), athletics.With such a background, one of our old students, Bahati Sadic won an international gold award for having emerged the top finalist for world inter university atletics championships 1000 held in China. He is also Africa's current reigning champion for the same rally.


As our school focuses on educating a girl in all disciplines, all our students are given chance to participate in different clubs so as to develop their talents. These include: the Drama club, the Scouts club, the Wildlife club, the Young Christian Students, the Legion of Mary, the Fine Art Club, the Xaverian Movement, the Interact Club, the Youth Alive, the Literature Club and the ICT club.


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